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Bose X Heli Headset

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All I can say is wow, amazing piece of engineering... I haven’t used them extensively yet but they are a work of art for sure. Definitely worth the extra money in my opinion... When you first put them on you notice just how comfortable they are, kind of like your not wearing any at all...They don’t clamp down on your head like the DC I have been using. Also, they are super light compared to the DC’s as well.


After placing them on my head, I noticed how quite the room was, but I could still here some low freq from my air conditioner unit, once I turned them on via the power button, all noise was immediately cancelled out through the use of the Bose noise sensing technology..



Also, I don’t really care about cell adapters or MP3 adapters right now, however after perusing the Bose web site they make an adapter specially designed for the X that will allow a cell or music device input for $99.00. Someday when I am ready for that then I might get it, till then, I am a student and don’t really have a need for that. But it is nice to know it is available if I ever need it.



I will have a full field report soon, but from the looks of things, I think I will be very happy with them...

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Mike absolutly loves his. I tried them and I must say they are phenominal. I can't even hear the engine, much less the low rotor horn:D


Maybe some day, I'll get a set.





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I got mine a few months ago but because of intercom problems in my school's R-22 I didn't get to use them until I went to a different school yesterday. Even with the doors off the noise reduction was amazing compared to my FlightComm Denali headset.


I also got a great aerial tour of Nashville in the deal. Cool sites and thanks to Bose phenomenal sounds.

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Awesome. Even when my batteries went out mid-flight, the passive NR wasn't as bad as I was afraid it would be! Louder but liveable for another 30min til set down. Definitely worth the trade-off; I'll carry an extra pair of AAs in my pocket, but even without I'd take the Bose over my heavy, heavy DC any day. My elfin sized head and neck just LOVE it!! :wub:

Edited by heligirl03
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I have been flying with the Bose for about three and a half years now and they have been worth the asking price. They are very comfortable, even after 6-7 hours in the cockpit and the ANR is excellent. I use the NiMH rechargable AAs in mine and they work just as well as alkalines. They only take 15 minutes to charge and it keeps me from having to buy a lot of batteries. And I found that its a good idea to always carry a spare set of batteries.

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Seems like beating a dead horse at this point but I love mine too. In the R22 you can hear RPM changes very clearly during autos. I feel a little sick when I think about the price tag but I'm glad I have them. Good purchase for someone starting a career in aviation and if you ever need to get rid of them you can probably get most of your money back on Ebay.

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I have been flying with the Bose for about three and a half years now and they have been worth the asking price. They are very comfortable, even after 6-7 hours in the cockpit and the ANR is excellent. I use the NiMH rechargable AAs in mine and they work just as well as alkalines. They only take 15 minutes to charge and it keeps me from having to buy a lot of batteries. And I found that its a good idea to always carry a spare set of batteries.


Where did you get a charger that can charge them in 15 minutes? I need one of those, mine takes 3 stinkin hours. :(

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If you sell or buy on Ebay, just make sure to include the original receipt with the sale/purchase because then the warranty is still good! I got mine on Ebay for $700 and they are practically unused and PERFECT.


I agree, I feel like this thread is beating a horse that's been dead for a week. But I won't neglect an opportunity to recommend the Bose. Especially if you just spring for them right away, you'll definitely get your money's worth. And as was already mentioned, you can always get most of your money back on Ebay if you change your mind.

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You can find 15 minute rechargeable batteries and chargers almost anywhere. WallyWorld, Best Buy, any place that sells batteries pretty much. Instead of the 15 minute ones, I prefer the Hybrid, which hold their charge far longer. NiMH batteries lose about 10% of their charge each week, even when not in use. For things that you don't use every day, the hybrids are much better - in fact the regular NiMH batteries will soon not be sold any longer, I think, because the hybrids will take over. Same price, more or less, but better performance.


BTW, don't charge the batteries you already have in a 15 minute charger, because they will overheat and soon be worthless. Get the kind made for that, they're marked.

Edited by Gomer Pylot
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Also, I don’t really care about cell adapters or MP3 adapters right now, however after perusing the Bose web site they make an adapter specially designed for the X that will allow a cell or music device input for $99.00. Someday when I am ready for that then I might get it, till then, I am a student and don’t really have a need for that...


Just wanted to point out that Bose does not have any adapters for this. I called Bose today and spoke with an Aviation headset tech and he told me there was no such thing.

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  • 3 months later...
Also, I don’t really care about cell adapters or MP3 adapters right now, however after perusing the Bose web site they make an adapter specially designed for the X that will allow a cell or music device input for $99.00.



Where did you find this? I was searching the site today and can't find this mp3 adapter.





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because of intercom problems in my school's R-22 I didn't get to use them until I went to a different school yesterday.


I've run across this problem several times with my bose when trying to use them on the intercom with a non-bose headset in the other seat. Specifically on the Hot Mic or VOX ICS not the pilot controled intercom. I know it has something to do with the differing gains of differing headsets but its really annoying to have to wear a DC when flying with someone whose ship exhibits this conflict. Does anyone know how to resolve this?? I've asked several avionics 'professionals' and get nothing but blank stares.

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I've run across this problem several times with my bose when trying to use them on the intercom with a non-bose headset in the other seat. Specifically on the Hot Mic or VOX ICS not the pilot controled intercom. I know it has something to do with the differing gains of differing headsets but its really annoying to have to wear a DC when flying with someone whose ship exhibits this conflict. Does anyone know how to resolve this?? I've asked several avionics 'professionals' and get nothing but blank stares.


I've also encountered this problem several times when others were using a Bose X headset in turboprops, jets, and helicopters when there was no audio panel with a squelch, or the audio panel had a preset or automatic squelching feature for that crew member's microphone. On a couple of occasions, such as during one 5-1/2 hour flight, I actually asked the crew member to unplug his mic, unless he had to talk to me, because all the full time racket from his Bose X was so distracting it was making communications poor overall... ....I was performing all the radio work anyway.


This is in the Bose X manual -

"Sensitivity: Varies depending upon bias and

radio AC input impedance. Typical output is

600 mV at 114 dB SPL. To assure proper

modulation of the radio, it is recommended

that an avionics technician adjust its input to

match the output of the microphone."


Of course, if many people are using the same aircraft with different types of headsets after this adjustment, this can lead to communication problems, unless everyone has Bose X headsets, which may not be a viable alternative...


One individual I flew helicopters with had his Bose X headset modified to fix the problem, after which, we never again had an issue... ...I'm not sure what he had done, but if I get an opportunity to talk to him about it, I will relay it...

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