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HAI Expo 2010 Pictures


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Hey all,


Wow, third year in a row!! Here are my photos; i sincerely apologize for not getting more, we had press passes and got in early but just didn't have time to get as many photos as last year. We met a lot of cool people this trip, VR members that we wanted to meet and old friends! I will try to get back to the photos to put some txt to them but it will take a few days. We saw Lyn right off but we both were too busy to even stop, I think I got a couple of photos of him in action. I did get to spend a few minutes with him later, but we both had to go different directions for separate meetings. We were at the Jack Harter display when we ran into Lyn and I enjoyed talking about flying in Hawaii with their chief pilot. I really miss the islands (but i love Denver).


The Eagle 407 is on our wish list, imagine a 407 with more power than a B3! There was heliporn everywhere; of course the R66, i heard that they sold 21 the first day!


We met with Mike and plan to get that program of his up and running asap, the guy is awesome and we are totally excited about that! He probably wouldn't like me to say, but he is amazing and completely humble, he has instructed for over 40 years, has around 8K hours rw and has flown 70 pilots on cross countries from Florida to Canada for the past 25 years (even Lyn and Chris).. he is an industry icon and has given back his whole career, i cannot tell you how honored i am to have him contributing to our efforts to make a difference.


We met Steve and many others, we found out that one of our VR friends is even more brainiac than we thought (he has a master degree from Harvard Medical School in genetics, holy sh*t, we knew he was smart but, whew!) It just shows us how great a resource this forum really is!!


We spent some quality time with the folks at Robbie and Sikorsky talking about the future, we looked at ENG ships and equipment, Met the folks from Sky Helicopters in Garland (really great folks with an amazing operation that we would like to emulate one day), we also met the folks at Longhorn Helicopter, i have heard really good things from many about their operation, they had a 300c set up for NVG!!! (Totally cool), I met the owner of BoatPix, a really nice guy that knows a lot about our industry, the sky crane was awesome but i have seen those up close a few times here (i do wonder how they got that thing into the building tho), I got to see my buddy Cameron from Aero Tech, Inc and finally meet his Dad (Aerial Firefighting, some of the best), got to visit with my buddy Drew, and of course Goldy was there with his son Patrick, we all had a great time. We hung out with the snowman, good to see him again. My only negatives were that i didn't have more time (and that John and others weren't there). I think in two days i only got to about half of the exhibits. We spent a lot of time at the Vertical Magazine display (they had free beer), those folks are the best as well; not only do I believe that they have the best industry magazine, I know that they sincerely care about what they are doing and all of us…


We met a guy that was in Haiti, and talked a lot about the efforts there, there is an article about his operation in the next issue of Vertical and i can't wait to read all about it. We met the guy that flew the R44 around the world, a super nice gent. We checked out the door gunner sim, that was very cool, and shot up a bunch of bad guys. We ended up on the same plane with Janno from AIR2 on the way home, that was awesome as we had time for some chips and a beer before we boarded and we talked about his experience flying the 500s over the past 20 years (one of AIR2’s linemen Wayne trains at Heliops so it was good to finally meet the legend!! ☺).


All in all it was a really nice time, my feet hurt from walking, my shoulders hurt from carrying all the stuff we collected, and I need some sleep, but I can’t wait to go back again next year!!!!


More photos here:








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Hey Mechanic...thanks for posting...the EC-120 in your first pic is my daily trusty steed! DP, I didn't know you were going to be there, I'd have bought you a beer!



arrrrghhh... i knew i'd miss some of you and be bummed. so, now you have to come to Denver.. :-)


nice ship btw.. i love those 120s. in fact, i like Eurocopters period.


sorry to have missed you Miller..



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DP, I didn't know you were going to be there, I'd have bought you a beer!


Hey Ryan- I forgot you were down that way, but don't worry, Dennis and I drank enough for the 30..I mean 3 of us !


That Irish pub will never be the same, too bad about the two bikers...



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Goldy, I re read and saw that you were there too.....rats maybe next year....I actually may be in SOCAL in a month or two...I'll let ya know!





Make sure he takes you on the "Malibu beach run", it's amazing.. :-)



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I didn't make it by VR..but I was around..Either at our helicopter at the FLIR booth. Our whole unit was there...You probably saw me walking around at one point or another...We were wearing flight suits on one day...I hate finding out after the fact that so many folks were there....I should have planned better!

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Hey DP, since your a photo guy like me, I thought you would appreciate this...we had a professional photographer come out and take some photos for the unit...plus its EC-120 stuff!





Hey Miller,


man, i completely missed this post somehow.. amazing photos! Thanks for posting.



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