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The Importance of Networking

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Listen bub, I started this thread; I control what's said in it, and if YOU don't like it tough. If you want to get drunk with Avbug that's fine- however you like to waste your time is no concern of mine. Meanwhile, if you have something constructive to add to this thread about networking, you better add it now. Otherwise, STFU or I'll come over there and smack you in the mouth so hard Avbug's ass will hurt.


Six feet deep and still digging. You're quite a piece of work.

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So what are you, the thread police then? Add something constructive or leave. We don't need your off-topic comment. You goddam atheists sure don't have any sense of humor.

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Listen bub, I started this thread; I control what's said in it, and if YOU don't like it tough.

Is that so? Here I am... You opened Pandora's box (again). You can deal with what comes out.




If you want to get drunk with Avbug that's fine- however you like to waste your time is no concern of mine.


That's correct.




Meanwhile, if you have something constructive to add to this thread about networking, you better add it now.



I have already stated my opinion about networking in previous threads. I am all for it and think it is the best option of finding work in this industry. Avbug and I have already slugged that one out and it went exactly nowhere. I'm over it. At least it didn't deteriorate into a fire and brimstone sermon about soulless godless pilots and how we basically suck the big one in your not so humble opinion.




Otherwise, STFU or I'll come over there and smack you in the mouth so hard Avbug's ass will hurt.

I would really like to see you do something about it other than run your fingers over that keyboard. I'm gonna skip the internet toughguy crap. I have no interest in ever meeting you face to face, but if I do, my opinion will not change, at that point, you can do whatever your wallet allows, because if you so much as touch me, you bet your ass I'm gonna sue you for every penny you haven't sunk into your beloved drink.

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Well now I'm really scared- the threat of a lawsuit, oh no!! Ya big internet bully. Sheesh. What a bunch of manly men are ye. :::rolls eyes:::

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Well now I'm really scared- the threat of a lawsuit, oh no!! Ya big internet bully. Sheesh. What a bunch of manly men are ye. :::rolls eyes:::

I'm the bully? You're the one who said you were going to slap me so hard someone elses ass would hurt. You are a case in point that age does not always represent wisdom. You are also a very poor representative of your religion.


I thumb my nose at you (virtually) Sir!

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I wish you guys would stop focusing on someone else's religion and just focus on your own Godless lives. Instead of pointing fingers at me you should be preparing to meet your Maker. I don't judge how good or bad an atheist you are, only that you ARE one. So stop saying that I'm "not a very good Christian." It's totally beside the point and is only making you look petty and uneducated. Judge not, sinners!


Secondly, you think I won't lock this thread? I'll lock it so fast Avbug's tiny little head will spin. I just might turn this car around too. You have been warned!

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I wish you guys would stop focusing on someone else's religion and just focus on your own Godless lives. Instead of pointing fingers at me you should be preparing to meet your Maker. I don't judge how good or bad an atheist you are, only that you ARE one. So stop saying that I'm "not a very good Christian." It's totally beside the point and is only making you look petty and uneducated. Judge not, sinners!


Secondly, you think I won't lock this thread? I'll lock it so fast Avbug's tiny little head will spin. I just might turn this car around too. You have been warned!

I'll make a deal with you. Stop making comments about atheists and I will stop calling you a bad christian. It has absolutely no place here. This is where pilots of all races, ethnicities, backgrounds and creeds go to talk about helicopters and helicopter related things. The SECOND that you bring God into it you are opening a can of worms for yourself. Not everyone believes what you do. Forget the atheists. How can 900 million Hindu's be wrong? Or the 1.5 billion Muslims? Lots and lots of people out there that don't see the world how you do. I don't give two craps about what goes on in that brain of yours, but the moment you let it out, it's fair game. That's just the way the world works. Religion (or lack of) aside. I don't see how anyone could like or respect you after some of the things you have written on this website in the past few months. I have friends who are Christian, Muslim, Hindi, Buddhist. We get along fine. I even have had some heated debates with them about their beliefs. But at the end of the day, we respect each other. You on the other hand seem DEEPLY upset that anyone out there believes something other than what you do, and your comments have been extremely rude, offensive, immature...I could go on. You get no respect from me.


As far as locking the thread goes, I triple dog dare you!

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You on the other hand seem DEEPLY upset that anyone out there believes something other than what you do, and your comments have been extremely rude, offensive, immature...I could go on. You get no respect from me.


nr deserves no respect here, but largely because what's really going on here, barring a drunk ramble or a senile departure from reality, is trolling. nr is trying to get a rise out of people, apparent in his posts, it would seem, for entertainment. That alone destroys any credibility he might have, though truthfully he destroyed that himself some time ago. The cherry drying thread was the final nail in the coffin.


Perhaps nr feels that as he's permanently soiled himself here, and because he's made himself into a laughing stock, his only option is to be a clown. Perhaps he actually feels that it's the path to forgiveness.


I don't know that there's anything to forgive: what he's done, he did to himself. He did it wilfully, intentionally, and allegedly as an adult (thought it might be hard to prove. His statements in this thread have gone far beyond a joke, however. The name-calling and overt insults, as well as outright condemnation over a rightful opinion is couched in a series of outbursts that are not situation-appropriate.


Given that only two assertions were made (I don't network, and I'm not obligated to mentor others), the slew of accusations, insults, judgements, and wild dialogue that followed by nr was not so much entertaining as immature, low-brow, and poorly timed. Of all his potshots, the notion that I'm under a curse from God was the most interesting and misplaced, but in the end, like all his other assertions, he's proven consistently wrong.


What nr is doing is attempting to get a rise out of people. He's stated for the record here that he's lost it in aviation and is thus getting out. Good for him for recognizing that. At least in aviation he's recognized that. He seems to have a hard time settling down, however, and has acted out in childish, attention-garnering manners that smack of trollism and far too much time on his hands.


No doubt he will follow-on here with more insults and wild comments, and no doubt he will still think it's funny.


Who knows? Perhaps to him, it is. What he needs to understand, and clearly doesn't, is that we're not laughing with him, but at him.

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Laughing at me? Like I care? Some of you think I do. I do not.


Hey Avnut, for the record (and you can go back and look), I never said you were cursed by God. In fact, I said...wait...I'll go get it. I was talking about your non-recurring kidney stone problem that you denied having that required *three* separate surgeries. I said, and I quote:

Then again, if the Lord plagued me with recurring kidney stones because of my sour attitude toward life, I'd probably be crabby and unhappy too. So it's not like I'm unsympathetic.


How's your reading comprehension there, buddy? I said that if the Lord plagued *ME* with kidney stones...blah blah blah. So where do you get off saying that I said God plagued *you* with them? Who's putting words in who's mouth now, bub? You accuse me of doing it when you did it your damn self! Pot, meet kettle.


I have no idea what caused your particular malady (although I can make a few educated guesses). Would I blame it on the wrath of God? No, only if it happened to me would I do that. But I live a clean, righteous life full of prosperity and happiness, untroubled by sickness or travails. Or kidney stones. In other words, God has been very good to me!


Now, I *did* call you a "Godless heathen" and probably some other things (oh yeah, "selfish prick") but those things are indisputably true and not even you can deny them. Neither would anyone else on this board, including your butt-buddy counterautorotate or whatever his name is.


I'm not really sure why some of you are so intent on derailing threads and pushing your particular (usually atheist) agendas on the world. This *was* just a nice little thread about networking and its importance to all pilots. ...Or it was until some bonehead came in and claimed that by God, *HE* never had to network and yadda yadda yadda I won't even repeat Avnut's incomprehensible rant(s).


We can imagine Avnut as a teenager, fascinated with these fancy new "aeroplanes" that those guys in Dayton, Ohio were experimenting with back then. Somehow, inexplicably, the young Avnut made his way into this fledgling field, which is a testamony to sheer stubbornness or arrogance, maybe both. We can surmise, given his current attitude as a so-called adult that no one helped him along the way. And why would they? Can you imagine what a know-it-all little prick he must have been, even as a kid? Oh, we can be sure that Avnut got no "helping hands" from Orville or Wilbur or even Otto Lillienthal or anyone else. Rumor has it that upon Avnut intruding (without knocking) on a certain hangar at a certain seaplane base on the Potomac River, Samuel P. Langley himself told the young boy to, "Scram ye or I'll kick your sorry ass from here to Kitty Hawk! I hope you get kidney stones some day you pompous little twit!" (Although Langley knew Alex Graham Bell there is no audio recording of this actual event, but we can reconstruct it from Bell's contemporaneous notes.)


And so we understand why Avnut now won't help anyone *else* in the business. He's just too bitter about not being helped himself. As I have suggested, let's be sympathetic to the old geezer.


Avnut finally ends up calling me a troll. Gee, ya think? How long did it take you geniuses to figure that out? OF COURSE I'm a troll. Sheesh. Of course I like poking fun at the insanely overinflated egos that populate this business (mine among them). Do you idiots really think I'm being serious 100% of the time here? Come on, even helicopter pilots aren't *that* dumb. ...Are they?


But here's the truth:


1) I do believe in a Creator - one who guides my (non-online) behavior. I believe this universe was deliberately created. By a Creator. If you don't, that's your problem. And yes, it's a problem. Because it makes you a Godless heathen. (Why are some people so offended by that term? Isn't it the truth?)


2) I believe we old-timers have a moral obligation to help the ones coming up behind us. Without having to, yes. Without being told to, yes. Without getting paid to, yes. We help others for no other reason that IT'S THE RIGHT THING TO DO. It's the human thing. It's the unselfish thing. To fail to do this exhibits a shocking lack of morals.


And THAT, my friends, that is what this thread is about. Avnut can sit up there on his high horse from now until doomsday. If he doesn't want to "give back" anything to aviation, that's fine. Selfish prick. Luckily for *you* (i.e. those of you who are *not* Avnut) there are plenty of other, generous, giving people out there who'll be more than happy to help you succeed in this industry. All you need to do is ask. I urge you to meet them, enjoy them, and have a wonderful career! And when your time comes, YOU help out those coming up behind you.


That's how it works ;)

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from the few times i have met NR i found him to be a great guy.


im one of those guys that met him up in Washington had a few beers, got his email and stayed in touch. he didnt come off as a holier than thou dirt bag at all. the reason i stayed in touch because he is a guy i enjoy having a conversation with, and one i can ask random tidbits of advice on helicopter related topics.hell i didnt even know he was religious until the Christian/Atheist wars a few weeks ago.


to me; thats networking



just my .02$


i do think its about time to lock this one up.

Edited by mausermolt
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Threads live or die on their own. There is no need to lock or delete a thread. It's only the internet, people. Relax.

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Thus far from nr, we have:


Numerous examples of name-calling ("avnut," "selfish prick," "godless heathen," "goddamn athiests," "pompous," "arrogant," "skygod," etc)


Accusations of physical malady as a "plague" from God


Accusations of homosexuality ("butt budy")


Accusations of apostasy ("godless heathen," "goddamn athiests," )




Threats ("I'll come over there and smack you in the mouth so hard Avbug's ass will hurt.")


All of this because I stated, in a thread about networking, that I don't network. That was it. Others clearly do, I don't, and never have. That's it. That's the crime. I don't network. The true crime? Disagreed with nr ("Listen bub, I started this thread; I control what's said in it, and if YOU don't like it tough.").


The secondary crime, elicited by nr, was a statement that I'm not under an obligation to help others. Apparently that makes me a selfish "prick." Derogatory references to old age were made, as well as numerous other unnecessary adjectives, and this for nr's sense of entitlement. I am obligated to bend over backward for the world, as though I owe the world something? I do not. The world is not entitled. I will work for whom I will. I owe nobody. Certainly not nr. Certainly not the industry.


nr has threatened to lock the thread (as well as several threats of physical violence), but is unable to do so. I've had enough of this stupidity, so he can continue to have his senile rants. At his age, he ought to be ashamed of his behavior, but to his discredit, is not. I'm done with him, however.


For the record, I've helped a number of pilots get employed, get experience, and make it in the industry. I've also gone out of my way to see a few fired. I've served as an aviation safety counselor and an EAA flight and maintenance advisor. I've put in my time in Afghanistan and Iraq. I've spent a lot of years as a firefighter and EMT, on the ground and in the air. I don't discuss it here, but am an ordained priest with several years overseas missionary experience. I've been a scoutmaster twice, and lost track a long time ago of the number of kids to whom I've given rides for completing their aviation merit badges, as well as civil air patrol cadets, young eagles, etc. I'm under no obligation for any of that: what I choose to do I choose to do without apology or explanation. I don't owe that to anyone here or anywhere else.


I don't network, and won't. That's not a crime. I've had a lot of people send me resumes, and where appropriate, I've forwarded some of them, and those have been hired. Good for them. I'm under no obligation to do so, and I'd never go back to them some day to ask for their help. Let them live their lives and move on. I've never had to ask for help getting a job. Knocking on a door, delivering a resume, shaking hands...those things still work, and I still find work where I need it. My present job was an email response to an online ad. Within a few minutes of submitting my electronic resume, I got a call, and within two hours was sitting at lunch with the owner, who hired me. He'd posted the ad fifteen minutes before I found it. It's a good job, and I'm quite happy with it. There is nothing supernatural about submitting a resume and getting a reply. It's not rocket science. It's not even a crime.


Let nr have his fun. It's apparently all he's got.

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...When suddenly! a flying spaghetti monster came out of nowhere, and tried to ruin my unblemished reputation!....


....but his evil plan was shot down because i had no reputation yet!....


....i was just a lonely CFII working for packets of ramen noodles....

Edited by mausermolt
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Think I can't lock my own thread? Oh, ye of little faith. Or 'no faith' as the case may be. Hah!

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Or I can unlock it!


Hey, here's a little piece of networking advice for all you up-and-comers out there.


Whenever you get on an internet discussion forum and feel the burning need to add your two cents to a thread but you have nothing constructive and/or on-topic to add, just do this:


Shut up.


Just take a deep breath and shut up. Log off. Nobody wants to hear what you have to say, especially if you're just going to make a personal attack on someone or by denigrating their beliefs. And don't even pretend to be an amatuer psychiatrist and try to figure someone out or call them "passive/aggressive" or whatever. That's just silly.


This is a thread about networking. I think it's viable and valuable. I believe that we old-timers have a moral imperative to help the newbies, and that the newbies can and should take advantage of this. "Someone" sort of disagrees, and said so (and has said so over and over and over ad nauseum in various threads). He exhibits Disgruntled Old Guy Syndrome (DOGS). I see this a lot in pilots, particularly helicopter pilots who've been around a while. These DOGS are so full of themselves...so impressed by their own career and what they've done and image in the mirror that they have nothing but disdain for those coming into the business, for the new ones will never measure up to the DOGS. They resent "having" to help anyone out because they think that everyone ought to be able to make it on their own. Just like they did, by God!


There is no known cure for these DOGS.


Now, you can't really know somebody by reading what they write on the internet, but honestly, Avbug comes across as someone with a stick up his ass. Way up. Mr. Chip-On-His-Shoulder. Mr. My-Way-Or-The-Highway. He sure takes himself seriously! He claims that he's not "obligated" to help anyone. And then...AND THEN! we find out he's an ordained priest! I'll be goddammed! But I hasten to imagine just which religion or church would have a man as a priest with such flexible if not nonexistent morals. And before you guys start pounding your keyboards in spluttering self-righteous indignation or complaining to Lyn about me, go back and read Avbug's own words: He feels NO...that's as in ZERO...moral obligation to help anyone. He said so! Wait- you don't have to go back; I'll quote him!



I am obligated to bend over backward for the world, as though I owe the world something? I do not. The world is not entitled. I will work for whom I will. I owe nobody.


What a guy! But wait- what the f*ck kind of priest is that?? Obviously one that doesn't work for the Lord. Perhaps it's a satanic "church?" Frankly, I'm bamboozled! Look, I'm as anti-organized-religion as anyone (seriously) but if I ever met a priest in real life who said the things Avbug said up there, I wouldn't let him NEAR my family or my house even in our most dire time of need or distress. I'd be afraid to attend a marriage ceremony officiated by such a guy. Blessing Of The Fleet by Father Avbug? No way. Those ships would SINK, baby! Probably sooner than later.


Me? I don't take *anything* seriously, certainly not myself. On the other hand, I guess I take flying seriously, having survived over 30 years in this business and 11,000+ hours. (Hey, if Avbug can wave his credentials around like a little pink hankie, I can wave mine! Except I use a Harley bandana/do-rag.) I try to be a generous guy, even if I can be a tad disrespectful sometimes.


Look, we've gotten slightly off-track here. Let's start over. And this time, let's try to keep it civil, okay?



P.S. It is true, what Avbug says about sending resumes in - yes, you have to do that. You cannot rely on anyone else getting a job for you and handing it over on a silver platter. But that's not the complete story. Not all jobs are posted. Some jobs are filled before they're even posted. And some, by the time one day has passed the employer has more resumes than he knows what to do with. When I posted an ad for my own job (the one I was quitting) on JH, *BAM!* I got 35 resumes within a day.


It can never hurt to have your name "out there" so that when a position does come up, someone will think of you and go, "You know...I know a guy who might be good for this." And that guy will be you ;)


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You hypocrite. The only reason anyone "attacked" your beliefs was because you attacked theirs first. No one said a darn tootin thing about your beloved Christianity until you insinuated that Avbug was plagued by God. I didn't get involved until you mentioned "Godless heathen". Your words. You picked this fight. Don't you dare act like you are being persecuted for your beliefs. The truth is quite the opposite. You should be ashamed of yourself.

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You might as well lock it up again, brightspark. You've nothing to contribute more than behavior reminiscent of a 14 year old, save that a teenager acts more maturely than you.


Look, we've gotten slightly off-track here. Let's start over. And this time, let's try to keep it civil, okay?



You'll have to answer that question for yourself. The ONLY person who has been uncivil here has been YOU.


You're the one mouthing off, making threats, making demands, tossing insults with abandon, and levying judgement, as well as promoting lies. Nobody else here is doing that. Nobody else here is using profanity. Just you.


All this because someone disagreed with you. Your response? Throw insults then lock the thread.


Hey, if Avbug can wave his credentials around like a little pink hankie, I can wave mine! Except I use a Harley bandana/do-rag.



You have no idea what my credentials are. Thus far, they haven't been given. I've been in aviation longer than you. I'll allow that much.


There wasn't much need to return to this thread, save for the fact that you opened it up and spent most of your rant as another personal attack. You're quite the pathetic piece of work.


At what point will you have something constructive to contribute to your own thread?


...read Avbug's own words: He feels NO...that's as in ZERO...moral obligation to help anyone.



I am under no moral, legal, ethical, contractual, or other requirement to help anyone. No one is entitled. If you feel such an obligation, then knock yourself out. I owe nothing, and if I help someone, it's because I elect to do so, not because I'm under any condemnation for not doing so, and not because I am so obligated.


If that troubles you, I'm glad.

Edited by avbug
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You might as well lock it up again, brightspark. You've nothing to contribute more than behavior reminiscent of a 14 year old, save that a teenager acts more maturely than you.


Dammit!,...couldn't wait just 3 more posts before calling him 14? There goes a hundred bucks!

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