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Campus tour soon

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I'm headed to tour a flight school this week. Anything you guys wish you would have asked before starting training? Trying to put my question list together. What's the most important or must have info?



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1. How many hours do your CFIs have?

2. How many career students do you have?

3. Will any of them be graduating soon?

4. Can I fly as much, or as little, as I want? (i.e. how's the schedulling, # of students vs. # of CFIs vs. # of helicopters?)

5. Can I rent the aircraft solo after I have my license?

6. How much will the checkride cost?

7. Would my current weight prevent me from working here as a CFI?

8. If I want to work here do I have to be instrument rated?

9. Ever had any accidents?

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If you are not using the G.I. bill, ask what payment methods they accept. Most will take any form but some may not. If they want a large deposit before you start training RUN!!!!

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How many flight instructors have graduated in the past 2 years, and where are they now?

Ive always thought that was irrelevant. A school has nothing to do with where a student ends up 2 years after his checkride. You would probably be more concerned with how many of your former students work HERE.

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Good stuff, I'm covered by the post 9/11 so I'm hoping that part will be mostly taken care of. The schedule will be huge seeing how ill still need to work at least part time.

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Good stuff, I'm covered by the post 9/11 so I'm hoping that part will be mostly taken care of. The schedule will be huge seeing how ill still need to work at least part time.


Braz, what is the name of the school? Many here know a lot about most of the schools in the US and can offer specific help and maybe specific questions to ask of that school.

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Good stuff, I'm covered by the post 9/11 so I'm hoping that part will be mostly taken care of. The schedule will be huge seeing how ill still need to work at least part time.


Well now that we know you're government funded I would ask one more question if I were you; Can I do all my training in the R22?

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It's elite aviation in Las Vegas. And yes that's another good question. They have someone that sounds like they specialize in veterans affairs so hopefully that takes a load off.

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Ask if they have an approved SIM. You can do 20 hrs toward your instrument in it. Makes flying the approach in the Heli much easier if you can nail it in the SIM. That was my experience at least.

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What is the approximate flight time of the private graduates?


What is the approximate flight time of the CFII graduates?


Is the Instrument program incorporated within the commercial program?


As a 9/11 customer, can the student dictate which machine is flown?


Who is responsible for the veterans, 9/11 program quality control?


Do you hire within?


If you hire within, what is the single most important factor a prospective applicant should possess?


Are there any staff members with real world experience?


With numerous schools to choose from, why should I choose this school?


Where do you see this school in 5 years?


What is the ratio of overall graduates to working pilot graduates?


Is the school involved in any litigation or bankruptcy proceedings?


Is there a contact?


Can I have access to past, current and former student contact information?

Edited by Spike
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