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Don't trust it. Keep your own records. Watch them like a hawk. Get a monthly CAFRS printout and scrub them. You WILL lose time. Some lose hundreds of hours, some lose a few flights.


I do not understand how a system like this could be so f*cked up, all the time.


Anyway, that was my rant.

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Don't trust it. Keep your own records. Watch them like a hawk. Get a monthly CAFRS printout and scrub them. You WILL lose time. Some lose hundreds of hours, some lose a few flights.


I do not understand how a system like this could be so f*cked up, all the time.


Anyway, that was my rant.

Sounds like you got burned too.


My advice is log heavy and have no regret.

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Ive been a 15P for a few years now... I am scared to death of the records program dropping hours! I will keep a 100% manual record of every flight flown, and I suggest everyone else do the same. With the new ULLS-A(E) program and CAFRS 4.0 trying to talk to one another on data pulls, compounded with user error with PIDs.. Its a nightmare rounding up missing flight info for guys. The CA national guard just stopped using paper -12s too.. so if the Aviator doesnt inform me of an error, I dont even know about it...

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Lost almost 380 hours... I electronically backed up every quarter.. its a must.


I've even seen a couple pilots lose all their combat time the period we were in theater.

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It's not just PID errors. We're on new logbooks that are super finicky about filling out the -12s just the right way and if you don't it wont save your info.


Unfortunately we are both right, plus many more issues im sure.. Recently we have had a few issues though with new backseaters assuming the autofill PID matching the first 3 or 4 PID digits is the same person... giving hours to someone else, awesome right?

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