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Thank-you everyone

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I just wanted to thank everyone for all their help with my questions. Especially thanks to 500pilot who my dad talked to today. I just recieved a knock on my door 8 minutes ago with my dad telling me to pick a school. I'm feeling so overwhelmed now that it's a bit confusing and I can't stop crying because I'm so happy.


I really am still just taking all this in still.


There's still so much for me to do, I don't know where to start now or even what to say, so I'll keep this post short.




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Just post replies to this thread to keep us updated on your training. This is awesome news!




1. At the same time you're buying your books, buy a Bose headset. A bit on the pricey side, but you'll have no regrets. (unless the rental copter comes with a set of Bose).


2. Always get to your lessons early and have the preflight done before the CFI gets there. Once every few months don't do this - wait until he/she gets there and go through the preflight checklist with him/her, talking your way through it. Undoubtedly he'll mention a few things you should also look at that aren't on the checklist.


3. It's okay to ask questions you should know the answer to. Hell, I still do it from time to time.


4. There will be peaks and valleys in your motivation. DON'T QUIT!


5. If your first CFI doesn't feel quite right don't waste time finding a new one. And don't worry about hurting his/her feelings. I had a lesson with three prior CFIs before I found one that worked for me. It was LOT longer trip to the last airport I trained at but well worth the additional effort and cost.

Edited by Gerhardt
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Just post replies to this thread to keep us updated on your training. This is awesome news!


Thanks Gerhardt for the advice, and I was thinking it'd probably be easier to keep a blog instead of using this thread... Thought I saw a blog section somewhere on VR.




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I clicked on "Helicopter Blogs" on the main page and I got the message

You have no permission to view the Blogs
I don't understand why? I've seen them once before... I was going to start a new blog to start writing about my journey and what led me to choose which school (btw I chose Vortex) but I don't understand why I can't start one/see them.


help please? admin or anyone?




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I clicked on "Helicopter Blogs" on the main page and I got the message I don't understand why? I've seen them once before... I was going to start a new blog to start writing about my journey and what led me to choose which school (btw I chose Vortex) but I don't understand why I can't start one/see them.


help please? admin or anyone?






emm, sorry about that, Rey recently did some forum up grades and a few switches were not turned on afterwards, I'll let him know, check back later.


You need to be a VIP member to start a blog. It's really easy to become a VIP member, you just need to make a donation to help support the forum. Click this link, it will take you to the donation page. You should be able to view the blogs without VIP membership, unless the owner made the blog private. Rey would have to look into that.

Edited by PhotoFlyer
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ok I can understand the reasoning on behalf of the donation part... but what I find rather odd is that I can view the blogs if I'm not signed in and looking as a guest but if I am logged in I'm restricted. ---- that should be fixed. (and I did delete my cookies)

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ok I can understand the reasoning on behalf of the donation part... but what I find rather odd is that I can view the blogs if I'm not signed in and looking as a guest but if I am logged in I'm restricted. ---- that should be fixed. (and I did delete my cookies)


Try viewing the blogs now. There was a permission that was set incorrectly, it should be fixed now.

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  • 1 year later...

once again i'd like to thank everyone. i've just passed my checkride (on april 19th) so now i'm finally a rated pilot :). i'll be moving on to my instrument training in about a month because i'm visiting family first.


i wish i had made a blog of my training but it was stressful enough or just used up so much of my time that i wouldn't have maintained it either way


well...i just wanted to show my appreciation for all the help and information i've recieved on these forums, so thanks!

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