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Congratulations! Tagging along with what Flying Pig suggested - do as much of your Instrument training at night as well. Initially, you will need to do it during the day as you will be all over the sky just trying to fly straight and level. However, once you are reasonably proficient flying under the hood and start doing approaches, holds, etc., why not be under the hood at night? Harder to cheat when you can't see the ground. In the immortal words of my CFII, "one peek is worth a thousand scans". B)

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Congratulations! Tagging along with what Flying Pig suggested - do as much of your Instrument training at night as well. Initially, you will need to do it during the day as you will be all over the sky just trying to fly straight and level. However, once you are reasonably proficient flying under the hood and start doing approaches, holds, etc., why not be under the hood at night? Harder to cheat when you can't see the ground. In the immortal words of my CFII, "one peek is worth a thousand scans". B)


Not sure I agree with that in its entirety. I do agree that some at night will be very beneficial, but doing TOO much at night can screw you. My school just had a dude fail his check ride because he did it all at night. Guess when his check ride was? During the day and he failed because of it.


I do understand it's a mental thing 100%, but perception changes between night and day. I plan on doing a good portion at night myself, maybe 50%, but definitely not all of it.



@cryesis: Congrats bud! Have fun on those flights, you earned it!

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Well I passed the PPL check ride yesterday with just over 90 hours, time to rent the r22 and do some fun flights before starting instrument!


What does it rent for solo, at your location ?

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