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While reading about aviation today (a pretty common occurrence since starting my WOFT packet) I came across some articles about the Future Vertical Lift (FVT) program. I was just curious to hear what current Aviators out there think about it as well as the proposed V-280 Valor and SB-1 Defiant airframes that are competing for a spot to supply the military.


Any thoughts on how this would change the world of Army aviation? Pros/Cons and Likes/Dislikes? What this means for applicants just beginning to enter the WOFT pipeline?

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I wonder if the FAA is going to keep classifying the tiltrotors in their own class or eventually switch to logging both RW & FW time.....Just think - flying these puppies could get you the best of both worlds + turbine time for your retirement gig at an Airline......A boy can have dreams........

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  • 2 months later...

I wonder if the FAA is going to keep classifying the tiltrotors in their own class or eventually switch to logging both RW & FW time.....Just think - flying these puppies could get you the best of both worlds + turbine time for your retirement gig at an Airline......A boy can have dreams........

They should just do what the Marines do with their Osprey's... classify them as flying Class A accidents waiting to happen!


Tilt-rotors blow! Why are we investing in this?

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By what metric do they blow, exactly? MV-22's are currently the USMC's safest rotary wing aircraft. It had some teething issues, and from what I understand is maintenance intensive, but a class-A mishap waiting to happen doesn't seem to be a fair description.

As to why invest? I dunno, speed and range perhaps. Sikorsky's X2, if it is as scaleable as they claim, would make a pretty good contender I'd think, though it still seems to lack in the speed and range a tilt-rotor provides. That said I expect it's "helicopter" performance is better.



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