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WOCS Complete

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I was a 5 week class, so I refer to that length only. The 7 week classes may have it a little different


The thing I cant stress enough is to READ THE WOC SOP!! This thing is your lifeline to this course and will either make you or break you. I knew it pretty well, but once you get there you will find that you don't know as much as you thought you did haha Otherwise The PT wasn't too bad. If you get there with pretty good PT already you will have no problem at all.


In the end, as much as it was a pain in the butt, It is totally worth it to pin on WO1.

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Bring 3x5 notecards. Seriously. 6 packs. You will use them all haha. Practice writing all you want, but you will never be good enough. Amazing the red ink they must go through making your cards up haha Oh and sleep as well. I got home and slept for 12 hours, it was glorious haha


Once you are in school you are all the same rank. If you were a E5 or a E9 it doesn't matter. If you try to throw your old rank around you will be set straight right away. We are all the same so bury your ego and drive on. We had 1 person eliminated early on because they tried to pull the I was an E8 thing.


Typically Monday-Friday 8-5 you have academics, weekend are car washes and area beautification. You are up at 5-530 and go to bed at 10:45, so the rest of the time you are at the will on the TACS. Just study a TON and go about your business. Try to get something out of it and if you feel you have a habit you want to break, its a good time to practice breaking it. You will have 5 days of FTX, which for me, was the best part as I was coming from the infantry I was able to teach people what I know opposed to being taught about garrison stuff all the rest of the class.


I wouldn't bring the SOP with you just yet. 25m target is basic, so when you are done hit it hard and you will be fine.

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Im currently On Christmas exodus 6 weeks through bct at Jackson and its pretty easy is wocs as easy as bct is physically?? I feel like I have gotten out of shape at bct. Anyway how is the 7 week wocs and what is the most difficult part of wocs that you went through? Thanks


I was a 5 week guy, so I truly have no idea what the differences are. All I can do is comment on what the 5 week class was like. I know that in my final PT test I dropped over a minute on my run, but lost on my pushups and situps. If you are having an easy time in BCT with PT, you will have no problem in WOCS. What you are going to find in WOCS is that it is less physical and much, much more mental. Lose the screaming and add more stress. You have to find the answers they are not given. There is no hiding in the corner and making it through, you will be evaluated and they will weed out people they don't think would make it.


The hardest part for me personally was dealing with a bunch of former NCO's and we all want to lead our way. That you will not have to experience. Something you will have to go through is the lack of sleep and the lack of instruction on how to complete tasks. You have all the answers in the SOP and you have to find it. The TACs will not tell you how to do something, its your job to figure it out. that takes some getting used to.

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You're wasting your time trying to get the jump on anything for WOCS besides exercising. The syllabus is intentional and mischeviously designed to make it almost impossible to prepare for.


There's not a single facet of WOCS that isn't explained to you in ridiculous detail when you get there. Enjoy your time off until then. Same goes for everyone trying to memorize the TH-67 CH 5&9 before you get to Rucker. Plenty of time for that later:o)



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See I have heard exactly the opposite on the 5&9's and that was we won't have the time to learn on the go. That we should start to get a handle on them since all of the bubbles are gone as of this time. Bco inbrief the other day said that the only break is 1 week after BOLC and 1 week after SERE.

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See I have heard exactly the opposite on the 5&9's and that was we won't have the time to learn on the go. That we should start to get a handle on them since all of the bubbles are gone as of this time. Bco inbrief the other day said that the only break is 1 week after BOLC and 1 week after SERE.


I did no prep outside of PT and was an honor grad. It doesn't hurt but no one there expects you to know 5&9 even before starting WOCS. The course is designed to take someone with no experience in aviation whatsoever and make them a basic aviator. People with no aviation experience won't even know what N1 or N2 is. By studying 5&9, they would be just studying random numbers that make no sense. That's why you do systems first then go out to the flight line. You really need to be immersed in aviation for it to stick as well. Also, recency of the information helps. Studying months in advance then taking a break (WOCS) doesn't help. As Stearman said, there is plenty of time built into the program to learn the information. Outside of PT there really is no way to prep for flight school and there isn't a need anyway. I mean how are you gonna prep for dunker, drown yourself? SERE, have someone beat you up?


You guys just show up in good shape and an open mind and enjoy the experience. To me it was one of the best years of my Army flying career. All you have to do is study flying and you're always on the flight schedule. It's when you leave there that the hard stuff starts.

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I graduate the -60 course after the holidays. Studying prior to anything is not needed. Like Velocity and Stearman said it will all be explained in depth (almost to an annoying level). 5&9s are built into the course. From day one people will say that if you don't know them prior that your wrong, but the simple fact is that they are wrong. I've had buddies from every flight too...some are harder them others...but all alot time for 5&9s. I had mine down prior to starting...because I believed everyone. It made my life really easy...nearly no stress other then the flying, but I really over prepared. It did help though as I was high on the OML, and I was never embarrassed too badly during table talk.


Enjoy life prior. Spend it with family. And quit stressing. When you arrive, try hard, do your best and you will have a great time.


On an end note, I had no bubbles either, other then the week before my advanced airframe and my Christmas exodus last year. Still plenty of time to study, and have everything I needed prior to each section of training.


Good luck!

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