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Can we some how get this page back to its grass roots? I have been frequenting this site for many years in search of knowledge, and lately, it seems to be a card table for the military. I just looked at the recent posts, and in caps, the first post was "WARRANT OFFICER FLIGHT TRAINING". Go ahead and scream it, by putting it caps, it doesn't matter to me as a civilian pilot or most pilots on this site. We just don't bother reading it. If this site has run it's course, and there is a better source of web media available to civilians, let me know what it is.

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With all due respect, if it doesn't matter to you, don't click on the link. I'd say 99.99% of the threads pertaining to military aviation, are in the military forum. If it doesn't matter to you, stay out of that sub forum. Just in the last two weeks there have been some great threads in the general helo section full of great info. Info on discussions like the difference between SWP, VRS, and actually settling because of a lack of power/max power, how to do a proper in flight power check, info on where to find TFRs over sporting events. All great info for new pilots such as myself. I honestly don't get the "card table for the military" comment. The admin here seem to do a great job with keeping those topics in the appropriate sub forum. Just a quick look on the first 3 pages in the general forum, I found no topics on military aviation, and that's going back a month. I feel that this place is way more civil, professional, and informational than some of the other website forums I've visited.

Edited by superstallion6113
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I count 22 forums and only one is a military forum. If you look at Content Spy it's usually the most active. Can't blame the military folks because they're passionate about what they do. I started in VR to read about my field (HEMS) but it's rarely got anything going on. Oh well, it's not the website's fault.

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What the others said, and this:


I started that capitalized topic, and the reason for the all-caps is that there are very few moderators/admins on this site, and thusly, those of us in the military forum have no way of "stickying" topics to pin them to the top. It was capitalized not to "scream it out," but because I wrote it as a comprehensive overview of the WOFT program and application progress, and it could therefore be found much easier by those looking for such a thing. If that offends you somehow, I don't know what to say. We do a very good job of keeping our posts in the appropriate subforum, and cannot help that it's arguably the most active subforum of the 22, as Velocity pointed out.


By the way, I am a civilian helicopter CFI looking to enter the WOFT program and therefore post in both sections (civilian and military). I honestly get sick of a lot of the bickering that goes on in the General Helicopter forum, and a lot less of it occurs as you scroll down to the military subforum. In fact, it's pretty amazing--nearly everyone there is in direct competition with each other to get selected for a prized opportunity (WOFT), and yet that forum is full of individuals trying to help each other out.


I would argue that if you want to take the site back to its "grassroots," then be part of that solution. In other words, start thought-provoking topics as opposed to one that appears to be marginalizing those attempting to enter the military to fly the same machine you do.


We're all in this together.

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It's really funny that some internet users are still so offended by the use of ALL CAPS!!! Must be old guys. I mean, what's the big deal? Me, I can read caps just as easily as I can read lower-case letters, so it matters not whether you want to type in all caps.


In another lifetime, back when I was a disc-jockey/news editor, we wrote our news stories in all-caps, double-spaced. Made them easier for the announcer to read on-air. The fact that it's now considered shouting on the internet is highly amusing. HAH!

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I never had the pleasure of serving in the military so; does that mean I can’t post on the General Military Discussion board? For me, the term “Discussion” doesn’t necessary imply exclusive too. Or does it? If it does, then the term “General” could signify the gold star type, and not the common or broad meaning. And, if one is not yet in the Military, then how can he or she post on that board? Should there be a sub-sub-board? Or, sub-sub-sub-board for civilian folks who are not pilots who are thinking of joining the Military? Maybe keeping it simple would be best….. That is, open, read and participate, in the threads that interest you regardless of your position, race, religion, employment, sexual orientation, disability, etc, etc….


As for caps. Cops are required to write detailed reports and not too long ago, we wrote reports with a pen. In court, defense attorneys salivated at the chance to rip a cop apart on the stand for spelling and/or grammatical errors. Just once, I wanted the chance for an attorney to say “Officer, how can we trust your report is true and accurate when you have Dangling Participles?” My reply would have been “Counselor, the entire report is written in capital letters and you somehow feel the need to question Dangling Participles?”


Lastly, someone actually had to inform me, with electronic communication writing in caps meant yelling. I said, okay then, STOP SENDING ME THESE EMAILS!

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I count 22 forums and only one is a military forum. If you look at Content Spy it's usually the most active. Can't blame the military folks because they're passionate about what they do. I started in VR to read about my field (HEMS) but it's rarely got anything going on. Oh well, it's not the website's fault.


A number of us fly HEMS. True that the HEMS forum is quiet but a lot of what we talk about in the General Forum applies to what we do.

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Edited by eagle5
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I agree about all the R-22 crap.


The air conditioning in our AStar doesn't blow nearly as cold as it used to and has to be recharged every year because the R-143a slowly leaks out through the lines. ;-)

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As for caps. Cops are required to write detailed reports and not too long ago, we wrote reports with a pen. In court, defense attorneys salivated at the chance to rip a cop apart on the stand for spelling and/or grammatical errors. Just once, I wanted the chance for an attorney to say “Officer, how can we trust your report is true and accurate when you have Dangling Participles?” My reply would have been “Counselor, the entire report is written in capital letters and you somehow feel the need to question Dangling Participles?”



HAAAAA...I loved it when a defense attorney started to correct my grammar. Thats how you knew the case was solid. I did respond once during some wild grammar questions about terms I hadnt heard since middle school that I didnt know if the punctuation was correct but that it was irrelevant to the evidence. Then asked, "Are we really here to make the fine people of the jury sit through an english comp class?"


The defense attorney said "Objection your honor, non-responsive on the part of the witness."


The judge said "Sustained, but lets move on counselor"


That was the judge telling me to stop being a smart ass, but telling the defense attorney to stop wasting the courts time. YOU CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH!!!!


You want to see craziness.... on the new traffic accident report software, the computer actually prints out the entire mathematical formula that determines skids, co-efficients of friction, etc etc just by you plugging in some simple distances measured in feet. I had a defense attorney bring in a mathematician on a DUI crash I had taken because the moron thought I wrote out the math problem all on my own :D My response was that if I knew how to do math like that I probably wouldnt be a cop. Even the judge laughed. The defense was mad because he had paid for the "expert witness" to come in. Court can be fun when you do your job right.

Edited by Flying Pig
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Flying Pig: Your post had little to do with the OPs question but it's one of the best tales I've heard! Thanks for posting this gem:

HAAAAA...I loved it when a defense attorney started to correct my grammar. Thats how you knew the case was solid
Edited by TomPPL
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Military helicopters utilize some obscure form of Voodoo to achieve lift and topics concerning them are of no importance to civilian pilots. That is especially true for the multiple VR members attempting to join the military through the WOFT program. I thank the valiant crusaders who have brought these shameful open discussions on military aviation to light. The military forum should be closed down and all mention of civilian to military transitions expunged.

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Thank you all for your unbiased, and honest opions. I'm a graduate student doing my thesis on human factors and systems with a focus on egocentric personalities. Not to worry, your chosen profession was but, one of three, which includes engineering and the medical profession. I fully admire your passion and dedication and, no matter your chosen field of applying your expertise, hope that you achieve and exceed evryones expectations.

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Thank you all for your unbiased, and honest opions. I'm a graduate student doing my thesis on human factors and systems with a focus on egocentric personalities. Not to worry, your chosen profession was but, one of three, which includes engineering and the medical profession. I fully admire your passion and dedication and, no matter your chosen field of applying your expertise, hope that you achieve and exceed evryones expectations.


I'm sorry, maybe I'm just tired...but what in the world does that have to do with your original post?

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So...the OP's first post was just a troll to...what...view reactions of egocentric pilots?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Then you should take over the "SIFT is primed and ready" thread, at 14 pages it may even be longer than "Fudge the Logbook"?


That thread is nothing compared to some of the threads in the Military section. We're pretty passionate...

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