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I studied as much as I could have. Bought the dummies book, read the HFH, did the online stuff. Have some flight exp. and a B.S. heavy in math. Got a 63 on SIFT. Hidden figures was by far the worst. Thought i did descent to pretty good on everything else, remember feeling over prepared on these. 128/95 asvab.


It seemed decently hard to me. I got through 75 of 100 simple drawing questions. Felt like i messed up hidden figures pretty bad but got through 30. Killed it on math and knew it when they got stupid hard without a calculator. Mechanical was pretty easy. For reference i scored 131/95 on the asvab and have a degree that was heavy in math.


Same here, 75/100 and 30/50. Math was OK to say the least. Extremely confident on the Army Aviation Section.


The grading curve could have been adjusted with the min score of 50.


That was my thought.


I think it's more likely we're just awesome and will undoubtedly be at the top of the class.


I took it prior to the new year, so if they did change it somehow I was in before the change.


is the selection chance going to be better for people already enlisted for flight school? also saw they are not accepting OCS applications anymore will that make more people want to go this route?


Search around and you can find probably hundreds of posts about flight experience before applying. You'll find that it can't exactly hurt but it doesn't necessarily put you above the rest either. Either way, you will fly the Army way. Some have said that after primary, everyone is about on the same level of skill anyway.


As far as would-be OCS applicants going WOFT, I would venture to guess that it wouldn't make a huge impact. It's still going to be competitive and if you have the strong desire, you're still going to apply. Personally, WOFT can fulfill the capacity in which I want to serve that OCS can't and I'm sure the same can be said vice versa.


I'm guessing no one else has heard anything about this mystical March board? lol

I have, I'm heading up to do the board interview on Thursday. From what my recruiter is telling me the national board is meeting on the 10th.


I think you guys might be confusing the actual selection board with all the other crap that you have to do as a civilian.


I could be wrong, but why wouldn't they put it on the Warrant Recruiting site if it actually was boarding 153A. There IS a March board, but it's not boarding that MOS as of the WO recruiting site.


Just as an FYI, recruiters do one thing pretty well, and it's get people to join the military. Being 100% truthful may or may not be the way they go about it. YMMV.


I can't speak for everyone but I think most of us check the usarec site regularly and we are familiar enough with what it says (which is why no one is holding their breath for a March board). Obviously we know the MOS we're trying to get too. The only slight confusion is the MEMO some recruiters have gotten. Earlier in this thread someone posted a picture of the memo that says the usarec board will see 153A applicants. I doubt it's true because the usarec site is accurate. But, while many recruiters will bend the truth, I doubt they would go so far as to create a fake memo. Maybe it's as simple as a typo. Who knows. We'll just have to see. Most likely, May will be our first look.


I'm on my phone otherwise I would post the picture.


I can't speak for everyone but I think most of us check the usarec site regularly and we are familiar enough with what it says (which is why no one is holding their breathe for a March board). Obviously we know the MOS we're trying to get too. The only slight confusion is the MEMO some recruiters have gotten (see: this thread). Someone posted a picture of the memo that says the usarec board will see 153A applicants. I doubt it's true because the usarec site is accurate. But, while many recruiters will bend the truth, I doubt they would go so far as to create a fake memo. Maybe it's as simple as a typo. Who knows. We'll just have to see. Most likely, May will be our first look.


I'm on my phone otherwise I would post the picture.


I had no idea there was a memo put out by whomever, though it must not have been the actual recruiting command.


With that though, I would question why only SOME recruiters got the memo and why the actual portion of the Army that's in CHARGE of the whole process didn't put anything out on the website responsible.


I can't speak for everyone but I think most of us check the usarec site regularly and we are familiar enough with what it says (which is why no one is holding their breath for a March board). Obviously we know the MOS we're trying to get too. The only slight confusion is the MEMO some recruiters have gotten. Earlier in this thread someone posted a picture of the memo that says the usarec board will see 153A applicants. I doubt it's true because the usarec site is accurate. But, while many recruiters will bend the truth, I doubt they would go so far as to create a fake memo. Maybe it's as simple as a typo. Who knows. We'll just have to see. Most likely, May will be our first look.


I'm on my phone otherwise I would post the picture.

Agreed, just felt that some people were confused so I posted the link.



On another note, unless your packet was complete a few weeks ago, I don't think you'd be boarded in March even if there was a board.


I haven't seen a 'memo', but rather a schedule SPECIFICALLY for the WOFT PROGRAM; no other MOS is mentioned. As Shane said in less words, we are all adults applying for a competitive, professional career opportunity; of course we're going to check the USAREC site religiously for updates/info. That said, I was given the schedule I posted earlier by my recruiter who got it from his boss via regularly received USAREC emails. I can attempt to get said email in a week.


Although it could be incompetence, I'm confident my recruiter has no reason to lie to me. It's not like I'm hurting for a job or even willing to enlist instead of go to the board. He knows that so he'd have nothing to gain by making up a schedule.


Unfortunately, I won't be on the March board due to scheduling conflicts, so I'll see you all on the May board.


So everyone will have a submitted packet for May by the end of next week I'm assuming (March 14th)? Mine is complete as of today, just need to sign a couple things and that's it.


I kept looking for the cutoff to move but have still not seen anything on the site.

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For AD, yes. It may not move but if I remember correctly, for the last couple of boards the cutoff date was moved JUST before the cutoff date. It may still get pushed back.


Would anyone active duty be willing to help a brother out with the Warrent Officer Resume form (UF 1935)? just having some trouble with the meat for the duties and stuff..... Any help? That's all I need to finish the packet.

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So everyone will have a submitted packet for May by the end of next week I'm assuming (March 14th)? Mine is complete as of today, just need to sign a couple things and that's it.


I kept looking for the cutoff to move but have still not seen anything on the site.

Jon, could I send you a PM with a question?


So just finished my battalion board interview, I should have my packet submitted within the next couple of days. The server was down and they actually had me do the entire interview though facetime on an IPhone. Hope nobody else gets stuck with that cause it definitely was less than ideal. Hopefully Ill find out the scores here soon!!


Not sure where all of you are in the process, but just a heads up - I was selected last year in March. I was supposed to ship 7/15 with a bunch of folks from here - I ended up getting injured - stress fracture. MEPS let my physical expire without my knowing - long story short, rather than RENO, they canceled my contract. I had to reapply, and just found out that my age waiver was denied this year, after being approved last year. I've got a Doctorate - actually, all of my stats are posted in the forums somewhere - you can check them out. Just wanted to let y'all know, that the draw down had made selection nearly impossible right now.


I'm going to try to see what other options I have, since this has been a 3-4 year process for me, and I came days away from shipping last summer...frustrating doesn't begin to describe it!


Good luck all!

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