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Alright everyone I just recently graduated from WOCS and will try to answer any questions you may have about everything up to this point (Packet, arrival, Rucker, WOCS, etc). I did the 5 week course seeing how I am a former NCO but I know a bit about the 7 week course too.


The old saying that the course is always changing is very true. The place is controlled chaos to the point that what we were allowed to do in my class the candidates across the street weren't allowed to do and vice versa. So many of the answers to your questions will be along the lines of "it depends on your class" but I will try to give the best answer that I can.


Fire away.


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What class were you?


Got a pic of your sign?


If not, get in the grass!





What was a typical day like from each of the phases? I'm a civilian applicant waiting for the May board and I'm pretty much clueless about WOCS. I know there is a bit of singing involved, a car wash, and a theme/name for each class; but what exactly makes WOCS difficult for some?

Posted (edited)

Lots of cleaning. Perfectly folded clothes, bed, organized wall locker, shoes, boots, etc. Academics, PT, chow. Getting smoked in the grass. Singing, carwash, WOC tabs, field, wocistan. Senior status, greeting of the day, TAC alley, pullups. TAC officers, armor runs, more running, some sprinting. On post passes. Caffeine rights. Coffee mug.

Edited by akscott60
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Might be the wrong thread but do you know what's involved in the extra two weeks of the 7 week course? I was an E-5 but never got to WLC so I'll be looking at the 7 week course if I am selected.


Get your morale officer cranking on them Memos requesting stuff. You can always submit but don't expect them all to be approved. We had music for our car wash and the last few I've gone through didn't have it.


If you're ever at the TAC building, our class sign is the Orange five headed dragon in the day room.


"Strength in Knowledge"


What was a typical day like from each of the phases? I'm a civilian applicant waiting for the May board and I'm pretty much clueless about WOCS. I know there is a bit of singing involved, a car wash, and a theme/name for each class; but what exactly makes WOCS difficult for some?


Typical day is something like this (it varies depending on phase of training, your TAC team, etc)


Youll wake up anywhere from 0345 to 530. Usually at 530 unless something special is going on like ruck marches. On Sundays you get up at 0600.

You have about 10 mins to get out of bed and get downstairs for formation. You cant sleep on top of your bed you have to get under the covers, they check. You can't wait up early either, they check for that too.

Youll be late at first no matter what. It takes a few days to get 70+ ppl coordinated enough to get ready in 10 mins. But you'll get it.

Youll do PT from around 550-650/0700. PT can be easy or hard depending on your level of fitness and your TAC team. Some classes get run into the ground with body armor on for PT. Some classes don't run much at all, just depends.


After PT youll have about 25 mins or so to shower and change and conduct common area clean up which is cleaning the barracks. Our time was usually split with 15 mins to shower and change and 10 mins to clean up. Don't be in your room when its time to clean up the barracks.


Then youll eat breakfast. Chow isn't like basic, no scarfing your food down in 3 minutes or anythingIts youll have a decent amount of time to eat. Its disciplined dining so no talking, looking around, watching tv, etc.


Then you'll go to academics until around noon. The academic instructors aren't TAC Officers so they are pretty chill. Most are former Warrants so they understand what you are going through. Pay attention, take notes. You'll take a test every Friday over about 5 different subjects covered throughout the week. Its fast and furious so pay attention and get with your buddies. Flashcards work best in my opinion.


After lunch you will be with your TAC's for about an hour. Depending on the Officer they will do anything from leave you alone to talk to your group to smoke you to make you write papers. All depends on your Officer.


After lunch you go back to academics until dinner.


After dinner you will do anything from get smoked to sit outside and study. Depends on the TAC team.


Mandatory study time is an hour each night, make sure you study. Do it for yourself and to not get yourself in trouble. If you aren't sitting at your desk with your face in a book they will harass you and make you do a variety of things like write memo's, papers, yell at you, etc.


Lights out is around 2230. Then rinse and repeat.

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Might be the wrong thread but do you know what's involved in the extra two weeks of the 7 week course? I was an E-5 but never got to WLC so I'll be looking at the 7 week course if I am selected.


Its pretty much just 2 extra weeks of resident academics. So instead of doing the DL portion and clicking through powerpoints on your own computer at home you have to sit through the powerpoint classes at Rucker for those subjects.


Don't worry about the 7 week course. Since you guys are there longer you have more time to earn more privileges than the 5 week guys. Our 7 week sister class had more freedom than we did as a 5 weeker even though we were senior to them and graduated before them.

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There is a WOCS Orientation Package on the WOCC webpage. It cover numberous details that are being asked here. I suggest those that are going go check it out. I cannot easily post a link from my mobile, I will edit tomorrow with.


Could you go over reporting for the first time. As in to WOCS. Did you report in ACUs or ASUs? Should I have patches w me at that point? Things of that nature. Should I wait to stencil there?


You report in ACU's. Don't worry about getting the unit patch until you get to Rucker. During the 10 days before you class up you will have more than enough time.

During the 10 days you can go home at night if you have a place here already or they will give you a room in the barracks about 1/2 mile from HHC.


Wait to stencil your stuff there so that way you use the proper stencils and have others to clarify some things that might be unclear. There's a stencil machine at HHC for you to use.


If free to ask anything else.


Did they inspect your stencils? They didn't care about them when I went through. If it was stenciled and looked halfway decent it was good.


I still have some socks and shirts that have those stencils in them, LOL.


Did they inspect your stencils? They didn't care about them when I went through. If it was stenciled and looked halfway decent it was good.


I still have some socks and shirts that have those stencils in them, LOL.



There is a guy in our unit that just left on the 25th, and I was talking to him about the stencils and telling him to do them before he left if he had time. I helped him make his stencils.


He was like "how is the name supposed to read on the green socks" so I took off my boot and showed him lol. Still have stenciled green socks almost 2 years later.


What did the FTX consist of?

Air assault out the back of a Shithook. Fall in on your CHU. Couple of classes. A patrol day culminating with force on force. We also did the Humvee rollover trainer.


Oh, getting hit at night, running to the bunkers, etc.


I was the boss so I spent 90% of my time in the TOC.

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I slept A LOT! I know between lanes and classes that there was a ton of down time so we just went back to our CHU and crashed.


My buddy ran the TOC and he stayed pretty busy but other than that I think most of us caught up on sleep. We only got hit the last day when everyone was getting ready to leave. I came out in my ACH, pt shorts, tan shirt and boots with my tooth brush and ran over to the bunker. It was pretty funny


Can you guys give me an example of a morning pt session? I'd like to implement the types of exercises into my daily regiment. Thanks!


Run. Maybe some pushups, flutterkicks, pullups. Sprints.


Lots of running.

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